How projects cope during Covid-19

Early February, North Sea region projects came together to share experiences  during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Joint Secretariat hosted four sessions where 20 project experts shared challenges and presented solutions on how to set up pilots, engage […]

Constructing the future: Transnational cooperation showcased at #EURegionsWeek

In collaboration with 11 other Interreg programmes, the North Sea Region Programme created visibility for transnational cooperation over four days at the EU Week of Regions and Cities. From 8 to 11 October, over 6,700 […]

Transnational cooperation in spotlight at European Week of Regions and Cities

Are you attending the #EURegionsWeek? Here is what not to miss! The EU Week of Regions and Cities is a key event for anyone interested in the future of EU Cohesion Policy and how it […]