Increased sales of local food products can create rural jobs, help communities to thrive, and support more sustainable food systems. The REFRAME project discovered a staggering 100 ways to support SMEs to grow local food […]
Tag: SMEs
Growing the healthcare economy
How can society keep up with increasing needs for healthcare? SHINE found the key may be smart business cases creating wins for both companies and the public health sector. In the project SHINE, eight partners […]
Helping start-ups brave the pandemic
After two years of successfully helping start-ups test their innovations at European festivals, 2020 was not the best year for the Inno-Quarter project. The big problem was that the Covid-19 pandemic shut down this year’s […]
Helping SMEs expand overseas
In the award-winning Lean Landing project, business incubators and accelerators joined forces to help micro-SMEs break into foreign markets. Lean Landing was designed to help small businesses grow by moving into markets overseas. Internationalisation is […]
Energy clusters join forces: Results and spin-offs
Defying tradition and perception barriers, the project Northern Connections forges cooperation among regional energy clusters to shape new synergies. This approach is now showing some interesting results. Energy clusters in the North Sea Region involve […]
Festivals: Perfect testing grounds for sustainable business ideas
The Inno-Quarter project is using festivals in the North Sea Region to help startups design and test products and services contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Startup companies can apply now to take part […]