Transnational cooperation in spotlight at European Week of Regions and Cities

Are you attending the #EURegionsWeek? Here is what not to miss!

The EU Week of Regions and Cities is a key event for anyone interested in the future of EU Cohesion Policy and how it works in practice. Spanning four days between 8 and 11 October, it offers a programme packed with food for thought and fresh information about what is going on to foster cohesion by tackling the challenges and disparities of the European Union.

Visit the #MadeWithInterreg exhibition

Together with the other Interreg transnational programmes in Europe, the North Sea Region Programme will be part of a joint exhibition #MadeWithInterreg,  featuring outstanding Interreg projects and showcasing how transnational cooperation strengthens EU cohesion by providing tangible benefits on the ground.

People from ongoing projects will be there to tell you all about how they are making a difference for the regions and cities where they operate. For example, at the grand opening on 8 October, this years’ transnational RegioStar finalists – the ClimACT  and the Danube-Iron-Age project – will attend the stand, to share and talk about their successes in fostering a low-carbon economy and bringing our cultural history to life, respectively.

Meet SHARE-North

On 10 October 10.00 – 13.30, Michael Glotz-Richter of the North Sea Region project SHARE-North will be at the stand to share their experiences in how to make shared mobility popular in cities, something which the project is achieving in several European countries. Expanding shared mobility holds a huge potential for decongesting cities whilst significantly bringing down carbon emissions and city air pollution.

Session Highlights

If you are interested in transnational cooperation, here is a rundown of must-join sessions:

9 October 10.30 – 11.00: #cooperationiscentral  – Why Central Europe needs cooperation more than ever: This session takes a closer look at the importance of transnational cooperation in this region.

9 October 17.00 – 18.00: #MadeWithInterreg talks
Interreg transnational projects will provide brief presentations in the Agora Hall.  Amongst the speakers is Stevie Swenne of the Flemish organisation VMM who will focus on several North Sea Region projects tackling climate change.

10 October 14.30 – 16.00: Interreg talks – 6 projects, one slam: Organised by Interact, this session highlights and features 6 outstanding Interreg transnational projects.

10 October 16.30 – 18.00: Idea lab on the future of transnational Interreg cooperation:  This session uses World Café style discussions to generate ideas for how transnational cooperation can be further  developed to benefit European cohesion, improving the lives of European citizens.

10 October 10.00-13.30: Innovative green solutions in small and medium-sized ports: This session is a side event organised by the Interreg North Sea Region project DUAL Ports. Learn more

Join the #EURegionsWeek

See the programme and register for the event

This article was updated on 2 October 2018.

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